After 4 years at the Escuela Superior de Artes in Barcelona and a period spent in Amsterdam, Maria Pujol decided …

The first official platform for Creative Tourism
After 4 years at the Escuela Superior de Artes in Barcelona and a period spent in Amsterdam, Maria Pujol decided …
Barcelona Photographer is directed by the German photographer and art director Katherin Wermke since 2005. She proposes different ways to …
Moveo is focused on creating devised physical theatre, where movement is mixed with text, music, set, props and video. It’s …
Turisme creatiu: experts de tot el món es reuneixen a Barcelona per parlar de les últimes novetats, Thaïs Gutierrez, …
Bangkok. (EFE).- El modelo de turismo creativo creado en Barcelona ha sido presentado este jueves en Tailandia, donde las autoridades …